Consultation on Local Plan
Bucklebury Parish Council
Response to Local Plan consultation
BPC have produced a response to the Local Plan consultation which is detailed here
To help parishioners a summary of the key points to consider in are detailed below.
Some comments to aid those responding to the Main Mods consultation
- The increase of the dwellings allocated for the site to 2,500
- There is no indication of how the increase will be accommodated but we are assuming that it will need to come closer to Upper Bucklebury.
- Significant increase in highways impact when 1,500 was already found to be harmful
- Indication in allocation plan of access onto Harts Hill – meaning a potential rat run through UB for access to M4 J12,J13 and the Common.
- Significant ambiguity around delivery of community infrastructure in terms of education and health facilities. Potential for these to have to be provided off-site further increasing car journeys.
- Many areas of mitigation / impact / delivery / design left to Masterplanning process. Little reassurance to date from WBC on how this will be carried out.
- Already concerns around how WBC has sought to engage with parish councils as part of the main modifications with invites to a meeting just 7 working days before the end of the main modifications consultation. No PC councillors were permitted to attend the meeting in person.
- Significant concern over potential harm to biodiversity resulting from development of the site. BPC proved that ecology surveys and evidence base were incorrect and outdated to support 1,500 dwellings. No updates have been undertaken to support an increase in dwellings or even for any development.
- Significant impact on the setting of the National Landscape (AONB as was) as a result of increase in dwellings.
- Lack of update to assessment of impacts in the Sustainability Appraisal as a result of the increase in dwellings.
How can you comment?
- Representations need to be made in writing, either by letter, WBC form or email.
- You can either:
- use the representation form [68KB] available on the WBC website , or
- put your comments directly into an email to [email protected]
- They are unable to accept anonymous representations so you must include your name and contact details
- Make it clear you are commenting on WBC Local Plan Main Modifications MM25 & MM26
- The consultation runs until Friday 31 January 2025 and we're encouraging residents to all have their say.
If you are unclear on how to respond please talk to your local Parish Councillor.
Contact Information
David Southgate
Find Bucklebury Parish Council
Bucklebury Parish, Reading, Berkshire